Garden of life testar sina kosttillskott och alla deras slutprodukter för tungmetaller, mikrobiell tillväxt samt för patogena arter såsom E. coli och Salmonella.
Ytterligare svar på engelska direkt från Garden of Life:
"This is to confirm that yes, we test our supplements for heavy metal. The safety and efficacy of our products is of utmost concern. All raw materials have strict specifications and their Certificates of Analysis are kept on record. We also test all finished products for heavy metals, microbial growth and pathogenic species such as E. coli and Salmonella.
Our premium quality products are manufactured in carefully selected facilities, and we work with manufacturers who have the highest quality standards and follow cGMPs (Current Good Manufacturing Practices) set by the FDA.
We have an extensive quality program that surpasses many industry standards in order to deliver the best product to our customers, and we are committed to our customers' health and wellbeing.
For more information on our Quality Program please click on the following link;